Stainton C of E Primary School
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Assessment & Performance


Pupil outcomes 2022 – 2023


43.8% of children in Early Years made a Good Level of Development


Year 1:

75% of children in Year 1 passed their Phonics check.


Year 2:

In reading, 47% of children reached the Expected Level.

In writing, 41% of children reached the Expected Level.

In maths, 59 % of children reached the Expected Level, with 6% of these children working at Greater Depth

Year 6:

In reading, 66.7% of children reached the Expected Level, with 33.3% of these children achieving a higher standard. 

In writing, 66.7% of children reached the Expected Level, with 20% of these children achieving a higher standard.

In maths, 80% of children reached the Expected Level, with 6.7% of these children achieving a higher standard.

In reading, writing and maths combined: 53.3% of children reached the Expected Level,

Progress measures: KS1 to KS2

Reading progress score: -2.0 Average banding (confidence interval 5.2 to 1.2)

Writing progress score: 0.6 Average banding (confidence interval -2.4 to 3.7)

Maths progress score: -2.2 Average banding (confidence interval -5.2 to 0.8)

Use the link below to find the following details of Stainton School's most recent Key Stage 2 results:


  • average progress scores in reading, writing and maths;
  • average ‘scaled scores’ in reading and maths;
  • percentage of pupils who achieved the expected standard or above in reading, writing and maths;
  • percentage of pupils who achieved a high level of attainment in reading, writing and maths.

