Our School Governing Body
Governors are a voluntary body of people who guide and support the strategic direction of the school. They are members of the school team and their contribution to the running of the school is highly valued.
School Governing Body
The instrument of government states that the governing body shall consist of:
The role of the governing body is a strategic one, its key functions are to:
School governors have a wide range of responsibilities. They are the strategic leaders of our schools and have a vital role to play in making sure every child gets the best possible education. Stainton CE Primary School Governors bring a variety of relevant skills and experiences to the governing body including management, finance, law and education.
Structure of Governing Board
Governor Category | Name & Committee Membership | Term of Office | Register of Business Interests |
Foundation Governor | Mr Peter Scott Appointed 08/09/2023 Resources / Finance Committee Pupil Discipline Committee | 4 Years | NIL |
VICE CHAIR OF GOVERNORS Minister - Ex Officio Governor | Reverend Cathy Helm
Staffing & Curriculum Committee Salary Review Committee Staff Dismissal / Discipline Committee | N/A |
Headteacher Ex Officio Staff Governor | Mrs R Wilson Appointed as Headteacher 01/09/23 | N/A | NIL |
Foundation Governor | VACANCY | ||
Foundation Governor | VACANCY | ||
Foundation Governor | VACANCY | ||
Foundation Governor | VACANCY | ||
Foundation Governor | VACANCY | ||
Foundation Governor | VACANCY | ||
Local Authority Governor
| Mr P Watson appointed 12/10/2023 | 4 Years | NIL |
Parent Governor – Elected | Mrs C Dawson appointed 15/05/23 | 4 Years | NIL |
Parent Governor – Elected | Mrs V Edgar appointed 09/10/23 Safeguarding Governor | 4 Years | NIL |
Staff Governor - Elected | Mrs J Bragg appointed 17/11/2023 Staffing & Curriculum Committee | 4 Years | NIL |
Foundation Governor | Mr Matthew Ramsay appointed 12/02/2024 Finance Committee | 4 Years | NIL |
Clerk to the Governors
| Mrs S Phillips (Judicium Education) |
| |
Minister - Ex Officio Governor | Rev John Reeves - left 20/07/2016 | NIL | |
Foundation Governor – Carlisle Diocesan | Mrs G Price reappointed 09/02/2017 Resigned 19/07/2019 | NIL | |
Foundation Governor – Dacre PCC | Mr A Taylor reappointed 08/07/2018 Resigned 17/12/2018 | NIL | |
Foundation Governor – Dacre PCC | Mrs R Mead appointed 23/11/2017 Resigned 04/09/2019 | NIL | |
Parent Governor Elected | Mr A Worth appointed 06/02/2018 Resigned 18/12/2018 | NIL | |
Foundation Governor - Dacre PCC | Ms J Armstrong appointed 15/01/2016 Term of Office ended 16/01/2020 | NIL | |
Parent Governor Elected | Mrs H Smith appointed 25/04/2019 Resigned 20/02/2020 | NIL | |
Parent Governor Elected | Mr M Clement reappointed 19/03/2018 Resigned 17/07/2020 | NIL | |
Foundation Governor | Mr M Sharman appointed 26/03/2019 Resigned 18/072021 | NIL | |
Foundation Governor (VICE CHAIR OF GOVERNORS) | Mrs K Hall appointed 10/05/2021 Resigned 13/02/2023 | NIL | |
Headteacher Ex Officio Staff Governor | Mrs H Dunham Retired 31/08/2023 | NIL | |
Foundation Governor (CHAIR OF GOVERNORS) | Mrs I Morley reappointed 12/12/2021 Resigned 31/08/2023
| NIL | |
Staff Governor - Elected | Mrs R Wilson reappointed 15/11/2022 Appointed as Headteacher 01/09/2023 | NIL | |
Parent Governor – Elected | Mrs A Blackwell appointed 25/04/2019 Resigned 12/11/2023 | NIL | |
Foundation Governor | Mrs Ruth Houston appointed 24/3/2021 Staffing & Curriculum Committee Resigned 31.1.24
| 4 Years |
Foundation Governor | Rev Tim Cooke appointed 08/11/2019 Resigned 20.2.23
| 4 Years | NIL |
Current Year Meeting Attendance - 2023 - 2024
9 October 2023 ( Full Governors Meeting)
Mrs Houston; Rev Tim Cooke; Mrs Wilson; Rev Cathy Helm, Mrs C Dawson, Mr P Watson, Mrs V Edgar, Mrs A Blackwell
Mrs J Bragg
Mr P Scott
13 November 2023 (Finance Committee)
Mrs Houston; Mrs R Wilson; Rev Tim Cooke; Mr P Watson
22 November 2023 (Curriculum Committee)
Mrs R Wilson; Mrs J Bragg; Mr P Scott; Rev Cathy Helm; Mrs V Edgar; Mrs C Dawson
22nd January 2024 (Full Governors Meeting)
Mrs R Wilson; Mrs J Bragg; Mr P Scott; Mrs V Edgar; Mrs C Dawson, Mr P Watson, Rev T Cooke
Mr M Ramsey
Rev C Helm, R Houston
4th March 2024 (Curriculum Committee)
Mrs R Wilson; Mrs J Bragg; Rev Cathy Helm; Mrs C Dawson