Stainton C of E Primary School
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Key Stage 2 Curriculum and Assessment



Our Key Stage 2 curriculum continues the progressive learning journey from Key Stage 1, building on the foundations already established. Throughout each Key Stage 2 year group, key skills and knowledge are reinforced and extended and children are given the opportunity to explore ideas and develop their individual abilities.


In Key Stage 2, children are taught using the National Curriculum 2014. They are taught core subjects - English, Maths, Science and Religious Education. All of these areas are reinforced, practiced and developed through the Foundation Subjects – Art and Technology, Physical Education, History and Geography (Topic), Music, Computing, French and Personal, Social & Health Education (PSHE). This makes learning fun and helps children to make links in their learning through a cross-curricular approach.


Assessment at Key Stage 2


Assessment plays an important role in supporting children with their learning, clarifying misconceptions and determining next steps in order to move them on. This process helps us to monitor each child’s progress and attainment so that we are aware of their strengths and areas of development.


Teacher Assessments are part of the on-going teaching process and occur throughout the year in a variety of formats.


Key Stage 2 Standard Assessment Tests (SATs)


At the end of Key Stage 2, Year 6 children take the Standard Assessment Tests in:


  • English Reading
  • English Grammar, Punctuation and Spelling
  • Maths


These tests reflect the National Curriculum 2014. Children will also be teacher assessed in Writing and Science.   They are taken in mid-May and are sent away to be externally marked. The results are sent back to the school in July and are reported to parents alongside the teacher assessments and end of year reports.


SATs are an indicator of the progress children make from the end of Key Stage 1. They are also an indicator of how well schools are performing when compared with other schools in the local authority and nationally. These results are used by Ofsted and national league tables to measure school performance. Results for all primary schools are published nationally.


Year 6 SATs tests are usually administered during the second week of May.

