School meals are healthy, nourishing and help children to keep lively, active and learning throughout their busy school days.
The quality of our school meals is extremely important to us here at Stainton School. Our caterers are Mellors Catering who ensure children are receiving a healthy, nutritious and tasty meal at lunchtime.
All children in Reception, Year 1 and Year 2 are entitled to free school meals.
In Year 3 and above meals currently cost £3 per day and payment for school meals is managed through ParentPay.
After your child starts school, you will receive a ParentPay activation letter from us giving login instructions
Please see below for Parent Pay help sheets.
We can cater for children with specific requirements / allergies / intolerances – please enquire at the office.
Mellors use ParentPay which is an online system whereby meals are pre-booked - regardless of whether or not your child has free school meals (Reception, Year 1 and Year 2) or you pay for them (Years 3 - 6 ).
We use a booking-only system on ParentPay, whereby meals can be booked and paid for up to 3 weeks in advance and your child will choose their own meal each day at lunch time. Therefore, you will not be able to see the menus on ParentPay. However, current menus are shown below and are also on the office window.
When your child starts school you will be given a letter with a unique username and password with which to login to ParentPay.
Please see various ParentPay help sheets below and more information can be found on their website:
Please contact the school office if you require further information.
Packed Lunches
Some parents prefer to send their child with a packed lunches on some or all days.
If this is the case, please remember that packed lunches should provide a healthy balance of food groups
and a suitable drink as this really helps children’s learning and behaviour.
We have children in school with severe nut allergies so please ensure
you do not send food containing nuts in packed lunches.
We also ask that sweets and fizzy drinks are not sent into school.
Please see link below for ideas.
Free School Meals
Every child in Reception, Year 1 and Year 2 is entitled to receive free school meals.
If you have older children they might be entitled to Free School Meals - see link below for more information.