Stainton School has an excellent Breakfast Club facility.
If you are looking for childcare before the school day starts then we are here to help.
The club runs Monday - Friday from 8.00 am - 8.30 am for only £2 a day
- this includes toast, cereal and a drink.
Childcare vouchers accepted.
Children can take part in a range of activities including games, crafts and reading in a fun and friendly environment.
From Autumn Term 2020 Breakfast Club will be held in the hall due to COVID 19 regulations.
If you would like to book your child/ren in for the Breakfast Club please complete the booking form above
and either email or return it to the office.
Please do not leave children unsupervised before 8.00 am.
What the children say:
Lexi: “We have breakfast and it’s so fun, toast is yummy!"
Sam: ” I like having breakfast with my friends”
Will H: "I like to draw pictures at breakfast club"
Molly H: "You can read, play, draw pictures and have breakfast, you can also meet up with friends!"