Welcome to Year 3 and 4!
Welcome to the Year 3 and 4 class page.
The following information will help you become familiar with the class routines in order to support your child as they settle into their new class.
Classroom Routines.
Year 3 and 4 use the junior cloakroom and have their own peg to store shoes, coats, lunch boxes and bags. They bring their water bottles and book bags into the classroom. Please do not bring anything else to school, including toys, to help keep our classroom clutter free. Please ensure that your child brings a coat to school every day as the weather is changeable and we encourage outdoor play where possible.
The children will be given one piece of literacy/ topic homework on a Monday, which should take approximately 10 to 15 minutes to complete. This should be handed in on Friday mornings.
We practice Key Instant Recall Facts (KIRFs) for our Maths homework. Practicing KIRFs will consist of short, snappy, practical activities, which should be done daily. Each half term your child will receive a KIRFs target, then weekly activity cards and practical ideas to do as homework (see the KIRFs link below). Children also have a username and password to access Numbots and Times Tables Rockstars. It can be played on a tablet or computer and children can play this at any time as part of their maths homework.
Children will also have spellings to practice each week. Spellings and will be given on Mondays via Spelling Shed, children will be given individual logins, and tested the following Monday. Each child will also receive an login for PurpleMash an educational platform we subscribe to as a whole school, this platform has age appropriate games and software, they may be set assignments online.
Reading books and Reading records.
Children can choose reading books to take home along with their new reading record. As we are aiming for the children to become more independent, they will be encouraged to fill in their own reading records to show when they have read. The children are encouraged to read five days a week and can change their books as and when they need to. Please help to be part of their weekly reading by listening to your child read at home and make comments in their reading books as well. It can be played on a tablet or computer and children can play this at any time as part of their reading practise. Children will also have opportunities to read in school; independently and in guided reading lessons throughout the week.
Please do pop by the classroom door or call the school office if you have any questions.
Miss Banks & Mrs Todd